Priority One recently introduced a new partnership with Rollick, the industry’s leading customer engagement technology provider. As a dealer working with both services, you can now simplify your customer’s path to purchase by connecting Rollick’s digital retailing technology with Priority One’s financing services.
Rollick has helped outdoor recreation dealers increase close rates by 50% and increase quality leads by 87%. Similarly, when customers are introduced to Priority One financing earlier in the buying process, they are 30% more likely to close.

When Rollick's retailing tool is synced with Priority One's financing services on your website, customers browsing for inventory can now click to prequalify directly with Priority One. From there, Priority One will communicate with your customer and empower them to understand what they might be able to afford when shopping at your dealership.
For a limited time, Priority One dealers will receive $100 off a monthly Rollick subscription with no setup fees. To learn more about Rollick and Priority One, call your account executive or contact us here.